Zoom Classes
Join me for my online live classes. Meet me via zoom for your workout, stretching and relaxation. See the schedule above:
Weakly schedule - classes in English:
(GMT-7; Pacific Daylight Time; Las Vegas time)
Tuesday 9:15am Pilates Abs&Booty
Thursday 9:15am Pilates Abs&Booty
Sunday 9am Full Body Pilates
Meeting ID 943 9520 4292
Meeting ID 995 0155 5726
Meeting ID 922 3758 9052
Password TUES915AM
Password THURS915AM
Password SUN9AM
Book your spot via e-mail agnieszka@mindbodyagnieszka.com
If you wish a session with individual attention, to achieve your specific fitness goals book a private class. Contact me to schedule an appointment
1 group class $7 5 group classes $25 1 private class $45 5 private classes $190

Zoom Special Events
NEW MOON Yin Yoga with Meditation
Thursday September 17th at 7pm (GMT-7; Pacific Daylight Time; Las Vegas time)
Meeting ID 955 6116 5914 Password NEWMOON
Price: $5
FULL MOON Yin Yoga with Meditation
Thursday October 1st at 7pm (GMT-7; Pacific Daylight Time; Las Vegas time)

Zoom Consultation
Would you like to connect with me on line for live consultation?
If have an injury and you need therapeutic personal training. If you are a new instructor who needs a few tips for your classes or practitioner who needs advises for your workout. Or if you the questions in wellness field. Book the on-line live session with me. I will be happy to connect with you.
One-on-one 60 minutes consultation $60
Contact me to schedule a date agnieszka@mindbodyagnieszka.com